Apple’s iPhone 5s is now retailing for half the launch price in India, starting at Rs 21,899, although the company has not officially announced a price-cut. Apple iPhone 5s with 16GB storage is now available on Infibeam for Rs 21,899. While this price Apple has slashed prices of its two-year old iPhone 5s in India. The phone, which was until last week was priced at Rs 35,000 onwards, now carries a price tag of Rs 22,500 for its base model. The phone, however, is available online on major e-commerce According to CNET, Apple has reduced the price of the iPhone 5s in India in order to gain marketshare in the country. The 4-inch iPhone saw a nearly 50% price reduction from 44,500 Rupees ($665) to 25,000 Rupees ($370). The price cut appears to be a move Apple has slashed the price for iPhone 5s in India, with the 2013 flagship iPhone now retailing at under Rs. 25,000. Gadgets 360 has confirmed from sources in retail that the 16GB iPhone 5s is available at a market operating price (MOP) of Rs. 22,500. ET SPECIAL:Love visual aspect of news? Enjoy this exclusive slideshows treat! KOLKATA: Apple has slashed prices of its Indian bestseller iPhone 5s for the third time in three months, bringing them down to almost half of September levels, in a bid to shore Apple has slashed price of its two-year-old iPhone 5s in India. Launched in 2013 at Rs 53,500 for the 16GB variant, the smartphone is now available for Rs 24,999. The iPhone 5s, however, has been available for much lesser on e-commerce sites such as Amazon .
Apple has dropped the price of its most popular phone in India — the iPhone 5S — to Rs. 24,999 from Rs. 44,500. Granted, it’s not the latest, greatest iPhone (which starts at a staggering Rs. 62,000 in India), but if you still want a 4-inch phone Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) has slashed the price of its iPhone 5s by half, for customers in India, reports 9to5Mac. The iPhone 5s will now set users back by 25,000 Rupees ($370), a move that CNET believes was done to increase Apple’s penetration in India Apple iPhone leads the race of premium smartphones. But the iPhone 5s is telling a whole story as it now available in India with a starting price of Rs. 21,000. The new price cut has not only made the iPhone 5s a strong contender under the mid-range Apple has given the iPhone 5s yet another price cut in India. With the latest price slash, the iPhone 5s is now available for as low as Rs 24,999, which is among the lowest globally. At Rs 24,999, the iPhone 5s is now priced less than half of what it was .